Wednesday, March 19, 2008


So I learned yesterday that, apparently, there is blogging etiquette. Here I was assuming that bloggers just blog (strange verb, isn't it?) all willy-nilly, silly me. I will never use "willy-nilly" and "silly" in the same sentence again. Ever. I promise.
But I digress,
There are countless writings (mostly on BLOGS, go figure) about blog etiquette. (HT: the ward-o-matic) So I think I've learned a thing or two. I learned about Tipping One's Metaphorical Blog-Hat. I learned about linking to the main page of quoted publications. I learned that it's bad juju to mindlessly beg for people to link to you. I learned that it's worse juju to steal bandwidth from other sites. I learned that "People like links about monkeys, robots, sexual perversion, and any combination thereof. " (HT: Ten Tips For A Firmer, Slimmer, Sexier Weblog). I learned about the spirit of blogging. I learned that to contribute to the collective community of the Blogosphere, one should have a blogroll (via "Blogosphere is a collective term encompassing all blogs and their interconnections. It is the perception that blogs exist together as a connected community (or as a collection of connected communities) or as a social network.") And from these tidbits I felt compelled to, first laugh at the amazing complexity of things that we as humans invent to keep ourselves busy, and second, that blog etiquette exists for a reason. So I guess I can be more blog-polite.

And for your viewing pleasure:

Hi Monkey!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Robot Store

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